Potato Sticks

What are potato Chips?

Also popularly known in India as ‘lachha’, an additional variant of potato chips exists in the form of "potato sticks", also called "shoestring potatoes". These are made as extremely thin (2 to 3 mm) versions of the popular French fry but are fried in the manner of regular salted potato chips. They are popularly enjoyed as a snack but can also be consumed as a mixture with nuts and spices. Similarly, to chips, the most basic form of potato sticks are cooked and salted, but they can vary drastically in their length, width and flavorings.
Crown Flakes Potato Sticks are a simple snack that trigger nostalgia owing to the flattering mix of palate-friendly natural flavorings that do not take away from the novelty of the humble potato. Cooked in Palmolive oil, they are made out of 100% raw potatoes. Our high-quality crop and attention to detail makes all the difference, and we take great pride in our subtle flavorings and exciting, crisp texture.

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Potato Sticks

Usage and Benefits:

• Easy to carry.
• Travel friendly.
• Appetizing snack
• Fuss-free and filling

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